Worship Together

July 21, 2024

Worship Focus

"Prayer in Worship" 

When did you start becoming who you are? For many in Aurora, the old YMCA help shape who you have become. That old building has been demolished, but the memories, patterns of exercise and friendships have remained. The Y shaped who you are. 

From the days of the earliest church, Christians have been a praying people in worship. In prayer together we experience the great love God has for us in Jesus Christ. 

Prayer has always been a part of worship, molding us and shaping us. With the opening prayer of the day, intercessory prayer, the Lord's Prayer, and many other communal prayers, prayers teach and shape us in worship into who we are, and who we are becoming in Christ. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

July 14, 2024

Worship Focus

"Marks of a good sermon" 

How do you know what a good sermon is? 

How can you tell? 

If it makes you ponder, laugh, cry, or puts you to sleep, does that make it good? 

And why are there sermons anyway? 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

July 7, 2024

Worship Focus

"Word Alive"

 "The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me… A simple layman armed with Scripture is to be believed above a pope or a cardinal without it." 

-Martin Luther

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

June 30, 2024

Worship Focus


It starts with water . . .  

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

June 23, 2024

Worship Focus

"Born to Lead" 

When we think of who leads worship we usually think of a pastor. Some may think of the person who reads the scripture and prayers. Some may also think of the professional musician that accompanies all the singing. All of those are certainly Worship Leaders. However, the list is much longer than that. This weekend we look at what it means to lead worship, who is qualified, and how God calls them. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

June 16, 2024

Worship Focus

"What the heck is Liturgy?" 

The summer preaching series on worship continues. 

Every Sunday we Lutherans join with other Christians around the world and through the centuries to do the "worship of the people," the liturgy. Following a Prelude, the liturgy has four parts: 

  • Gathering, 
  • Word, 
  • Meal, and
  • Sending
It is the public worship of the church. 

Lutheran liturgy is both historic and Biblical. 

ELCA liturgical worship is historic and Biblical. 

Liturgy is both what the pastor(s) lead and what the congregation participates in. More than just the regular worship service, liturgy includes rites like baptisms, affirmation of baptism, weddings, and funerals. The roots of today's liturgy goes back to the infant church, and even to Jewish patterns. Who would have ever thought so much rich history, vibrant tradition, and deep thoughtfulness goes into it? 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

June 9, 2024

Worship Focus

"Music in Worship" 

This week we look at how music fits into worship. We will look at some of the history of worship music specifically for Lutherans. We'll also look at where traditional and contemporary worship music are alike and where they may differ. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

June 2, 2024

Worship Focus


This weekend, we start the Summer Sermon Series by taking a closer look at our Summer themed worship.

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

May 26, 2024

Worship Focus

"It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means"

Do you ever hear somebody using a word or phrase and think, "I don't think that's what that means?" Or maybe you've been corrected by others at the use of words. This weekend, we meet Nicodemus who asks Jesus a question. He is confused by the answer that Jesus gives. So Jesus explains he is not thinking about the wording correctly. Then Jesus gives one of the most often quoted verses from the gospels, which is almost as often misused or misunderstood. Join us as we shuffle through the confusion. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.


May 19, 2024

Worship Focus


This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

May 12, 2024

Worship Focus

"Death into Life" 

God has given so much good news. There are many times we do not believe that good news. Yet God in Christ keeps on keeping on with the good news of resurrection! 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

May 5, 2024

Worship Focus

"Love is . . ."

This weekend, we hear a fairly familiar description of what love is and is not; of what love does and does not do. Most often, it is used to describe love at a wedding. Yet, it was not written for that purpose. We also have a reminder of Jesus' command to love. We will look at how the two intertwine and what that means for us and love today. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

April 28, 2024

Worship Focus

"Installation for Pastor Paul Kopka"

Pastor Sunitha Mortha, Associate to the Bishop, from the Metro Chicago Synod ELCA, will preside over the installation rite for Pastor Paul Kopka, and will also be preaching. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

April 21, 2024

Worship Focus

"Change is hard . . . yet God's mission remains."

This weekend's message shares how God's church has change, Even with change, God continues to work! 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

April 14, 2024

Worship Focus

"Tots and Pears"

We live in a culture with a bunch of cynics. Have you seen people complain about and mock others who offer thoughts and prayers to those in need? So how ARE we expected to respond? This weekend we see Jesus and the disciples helping people in need, mostly through healing. We'll look at their example and how that translates to us today. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

April 7, 2024

Worship Focus

 "Can I get a witness?"

In the old favorite hymn we sing, I love to tell the story, telling the story is fun and sometimes is really easy. We're all storytellers in some way. Jesus wants us to be witnesses. Is there a difference? This weekend we'll look at that.

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Worship Focus

Easter Sunday

Come, experience the joy of the story that changed everything. Celebration of the Risen Christ through Proclamation, Holy Communion and Special Music. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Good Friday

Friday, March 29, 2024

Worship Focus

Good Friday

During this candlelight service called Tenebrae or Service of Shadows, we hear the Passion story in seven readings, interspersed with contemplative anthems from our vocal and handbell choirs. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

St. Mark’s welcomes all!

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Worship Focus

"Triumphal Entry" Worship

Our Palm Sunday (Triumphal Entry) service begins with a procession of everyone waving palms, accompanied by organ and handbell choir. The joyful music, children's message, and sermon all focus on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and its significance for our lives.  

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Worship Focus

 "Do Not Be Alarmed"

Nation against nation, earthquakes, famines, even a darkened sun! Yikes! Yet, Jesus responds, "don't worry." How is that possible? This week we look at how we need Jesus in the midst of all the difficult things in our world and how he gives us hope. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Worship Focus

 "All the World's a Stage"

This week we hear Jesus warn about the dangers of being an actor. We do not usually think of his condemnation of the scribes in those words. This weekend we will look at these dangers and what they have to do with us, even those who do not spend time under theater lights. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Worship Focus

 "God's free gifts!"

On this Sunday in Lent, we celebrate and learn about the wonderful gift of Baptism. Join us to see God at work through the water and God's Word. The Holy Baptism of Ariella Ruth Musial, daughter of Peter and Stefanie Musial, will be celebrated this Sunday during worship. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Worship Focus

"I See Said the Blind Man" 

The majority of us are not blind. Yet how often do we just not see? Sometimes we don't see because we don't want to see for some reason. Sometimes we don't see because we are distracted by other things. Sometimes we don't see because we don't have the right information or are just not looking in the right direction. Lent is a perfect time to work on our passive and active vision. This weekend, as we meet the blind man who stood by the road, we will try to see how we need Jesus to help us with our lack of sight. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Worship Focus

"It Is Impossible"

In the United States, the vast majority of us would be considered people with wealth, especially by the people of Jesus' day. Yet Jesus tells us it is impossible for a person with wealth to get into Heaven. This weekend we will explore not only how wealth could keep us from Heaven, but how many different kinds of wealth there may be blocking our way. We will also see just how God deals with our baggage. Not unlike the baggage of a camel at the eye of a needle.  

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Worship Focus

"My Phone is at 13%?"

In this day of mobile phones, electronic notepads, electronic book-readers, laptops, smart watches, etc, we seem to constantly be charging things or worrying that the charge is going to run out. How often have you been in the middle of something—or worse, about to start something important and realize your crucial electronic device is almost out of power? This weekend, just in time for the season of Lent, we will look at how Jesus' preparation for the biggest week of his life may guide us when we need more energy. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Worship Focus

"Ever been rejected?" 

Rejection never feels good. Whether we have not gotten a job, or not been included in a group for who you are, not been accepted into a school, rejection feels bad. When Jesus travels to his hometown he is rejected. Ouch! Donkeys aren't very glamorous. They don't have a great reputation. If a donkey and a race horse were lined up together, which one would you choose? 


Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Worship Focus

"If I Could Just . . ." 

There is so much need in the world! It is easy to feel like our concerns are not worth bothering God. This week, we see how Jesus responds to not being bothered. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Worship Focus

"Apparently pigs CAN swim" 

Jesus sent demons into pigs. The pigs ran into the sea and drowned. Yet pigs can swim. This weekend we look at what Jesus was doing near pigs and what that has to do with the healing power of God. 

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.

Worship Together

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Worship Focus

"The Sowers Parable"

In the parable of the sower in Mark 4, we hear of the deep roots of our faith in the midst of unbelievable challenge and disbelief.

Download the Order of Worship here to join in the singing, readings, and prayers.

We invite you to gather elements to participate in Communion: bread or crackers, plus wine or juice. 

St. Mark’s welcomes all to the table!  We hope that you will join us.