If you'd like to get quick and easy details about upcoming events at St. Mark's, we invite you to sign up for our weekly email. It comes out each Friday and it's a great way to be aware of what's happening!
Weekly Email 9/6/24 - Click here to read
Weekly Email
If you'd like to get quick and easy details about upcoming events at St. Mark's, we invite you to sign up for our weekly email. It comes out each Friday and it's a great way to be aware of what's happening!
Weekly Email 9/6/24 - Click here to read
Quilt Weekend
Saturday, Sept 28 & Sunday, Sept 29
Join us during the 5 p.m. Sept 28th service, or 10 a.m. Sept 29th service for our annual quilt blessing! We will be blessing quilts and baby care kits that Lydia's Piecemakers have made and provided for Lutheran World Relief. The quilts are given to those in need, such as refugee camps and those in emergency situations around the world.
The quilts will be beautiful as always! We'd love for you to join us!