SUNDAY, MAY 19, during 10 am Worship

On Sunday, May 19, we lift up and celebrate the dedicated choir members of The Glory Ringers and Lion’s Voice Choirs who give so generously of their time and talent to enhance our worship experience here at St. Mark’s.

Every week they donate 90 minutes of their evening time to rehearse anthems that help us connect our emotions to our faith life, and bring meaning to all the aspects of life, both the good and all the hard struggles. The directors work hard to pick music that will match the theme and focus of every worship. Then they share the music they have worked so hard on, not just every week in worship, but during Advent, Holy Week, Christmas, Easter, and all other festivals of the church year. We will celebrate Pentecost and New Members so the music will reflect those themes. We also give a huge shout out to the musicians who enhance our worship services with brass, strings, percussion, and wind instrumentation. What musical color they provide in our services!