St. Mark’s is committed to building a brighter future for our neighbors in Aurora. We intentionally seek ways to empower individuals and families to rise out of generational poverty. We believe that the way to do that is by providing safe, adequate, and affordable housing. When people have stable homes, they are much more likely to be successful and to be good neighbors. We have several partnerships in the community with a focus specifically on housing and helping people be successful home owners. 

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these service projects, email the church office (or call 630-897-6891), and we will assist you in getting started. 



    73 S. Lasalle St., Aurora, IL 60506


    In 2017, St. Mark’s entered into a partnership with The Neighbor Project (formerly known as Emmanuel House). The mission of The Neighbor Project is to “Break the Cycle—One Life at a Time.” They put their mission into action by providing a path for families to gain home ownership.

    As a church partner, we provide monthly financial sponsorship and also serve as the volunteers to help with property upkeep, mentorship, and ongoing spiritual support for our partner family.

    The Neighbor Project allows our partner family to become educated in how to be successful neighbors and citizens, and puts them on the road to becoming stable home owners. The long-term hope is to break the cycle of poverty for their children and future grandchildren.


  • rebuilding together aurora (RTA)


    31 W. Downer Place, Suite 402, Aurora, IL 60506


    Once a year at the end of April, we join together with dozens of other churches and community leaders for a Rebuilding Together Aurora (RTA) work day. RTA helps identify qualified homeowners in Aurora who are in need of free critical home repairs, home safety modifications, and energy efficiency upgrades. St. Mark’s proudly joins the effort in helping preserve family homes and rebuild communities with some hammers, shovels, and paint brushes. We, like Rebuilding Together Aurora, are committed to making a difference in our community by engaging in hands-on service projects that revitalize our Aurora neighbors.



    Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity

    5633 250 S. Highland Ave, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506


    For the past few years, Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity has had a FaithBuild home. This home is funded entirely by local church partners, who purchase and provide all the materials needed for the home. In addition, the home is built entirely by church partner volunteers, who give of their time and talents.

    St. Mark’s is one of the church partners for the 2018 Habitat FaithBuild home, as well a financial partners. St. Mark’s FaithBuild day is on Saturday, September 29, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We, like Habitat, believe everyone should have a decent place to live. Join us at the build and help us transform the life of a family.