"From Death to Life"

Experience the immersive journey of Holy Week.

Celebrate Easter!

The people of St. Mark’s invite you to a special week of worship, culminating with the great Easter celebration.

Come, immerse yourself in the pilgrimage that takes us to the hope of resurrection. 

Come, let the worship and music and sacred rituals renew your faith. 

Come, celebrate new life!

Our Table is open to all.

St. Mark’s is an RIC-church. ALL are welcome!

Please email or call the office if you have any questions: office@stmarksaurora.net or 630-897-6891.

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24

10:00 AM (also livestreamed)

Our Palm Sunday service begins with a procession of everyone waving palms, accompanied by organ and handbell choir. The joyful music, children's message, and sermon all focus on Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and its significance for our lives. 

We'd love to have you join in person, if you are able, but you can also watch our Palm Sunday service live on the St. Mark's YouTube channel at 10 a.m. (Recorded video will also be available.)

"The Easter Triduum"

The Easter Triduum—the three days before Easter—traces the final days of Jesus' life, his death, and his resurrection. At St. Mark's, we walk through these solemn days by coming together in worship, with music, prayers, and Communion. We invite you to take this immersive journey with us. Experience the path from the cross to the resurrection. Then, emerging out of the darkness, celebrate the light of the Risen Christ on Sunday morning!

  • Maundy THursday


    7 PM

    The Maundy Thursday service is a solemn remembrance of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. We remember his disruptive and intentional act of washing his disciples’ hands. 

    We share Communion together, and the service closes with a darkening of the lights and stripping of the altar, to prepare ourselves for the betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion of Jesus. We depart in silence.



    3 & 7 PM (also livestreamed)

    On Good Friday, we are offering a Stations of the Cross service in our sanctuary at 3 PM.

    The 7 PM service is a traditional "Tenebrae" or "Service of Shadows."  Gradually candles are extinguished until the sanctuary is dark. The “tomb” is slammed shut and a bell tolls 33 times, once for each year of Jesus' life on earth. We depart in silence. There will be no Communion this day.

    The service will also be streamed live on YouTube at 7 p.m.



    5 PM

    Easter Vigil with procession from dark toward the coming light, readings and hymns, Affirmation of Baptism, and Holy Communion. 

    Note: this is worship through waiting, not a celebration service of Easter.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31

10:00 AM (also livestreamed at 10:00)

Come, celebrate Easter Sunday with us  at 10:00 a.m. Experience the joy of the story that changed everything! 

The celebration begins with the Great Easter Procession. Throughout the service, we will celebrate the Risen Christ through Proclamation, Holy Communion and Special Music. 

Have kids? At both services there will special attention given to our children, including a coloring bulletin, Easter stickers, and a special children’s message. In addition, we have a unique "PrayGround" area in our sanctuary where young children can be in church (with parents nearby) and quietly entertain themselves. Easter "Kid Kits" will also be available during the service for children ages 3 to 10.

This is a great day of celebration you won’t want to miss! St. Mark’s is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church that welcomes all people. We welcome all to worship and to our open Communion Table.

We'd love to have you and your family join in person, if you are able! You can also watch our Easter Sunday service live on the St. Mark's YouTube channel at 10 a.m. (Recorded video will be available after the service.)